Welcome to the West Wight Arts Association

West Wight Arts Association Concert November 9th 2024

The third concert in West Wight Arts Association’s 2024/2025 season will be given in Freshwater Memorial Hall on November 9th by the Piano Trio Concept (formerly Trio Chagall) starting at 7.00pm.

Trio Concept was formed in 2013 by three musicians from Turin—Edoardo Grieco (violin), Francesco Massimino (cello), and Lorenzo Nguyen (piano)—who first came together as young artists.

The Trio has been nominated ECHO (European Concert Hall Organisation) Rising Stars for the 2025/2026 season and were adopted by the Young Classical Artists’ Trust in 2013.

They will play Mendelssohn’s glorious Trio in D minor Op.49, Schumann’s Fantasiestücke Op. 88 written in 1842 and his very romantic Trio in D minor Op 63.

Tickets at £16.00 (students and children £2.00) are available from our ticket page or Totland Parish Office 756028 (£1.00 booking fee applies)

Please note the concert starts at 7.00pm

Steinway Grand Piano

The Steinway ‘B’ grand piano in the Memorial Hall, Freshwater, which belongs to West Wight Arts Association, is available for hire by arrangement with WWAA.

Please check the availability of the Memorial Hall with the administrator Debbie McAteer on memohall1960@gmail.com or 01983 752956 in the first instance and then email Richard Wilkins on wilkins.r@btinternet.com for further details.

West Wight Arts Association Bursary for young music students on the Island

Twelve young Island musicians have been awarded grants to further their musical studies by West Wight Arts Association.

The recipients range from 11 to 18 and played a wide variety of instruments or sang to a panel of WWAA trustees on Saturday February 24th. They also answered questions about their music making and what they would spend an award on; their answers ranged from help with funding further music lessons to better instruments or equipment.

The panel were treated to performances on piano, saxophone, drums, clarinet, oboe, violin, flute and voice from students from six different schools on the Island. The judges were deeply impressed by the standards achieved and the aspirations expressed by the musicians.

We had a wonderful response to our initial appeal for Island music students and it was very hard to shortlist applicants to start with. Then on the audition day it was very difficult to decide who our major award winners should be as the standard was so high, but we were able to give everyone something.
— Pam Wedgwood - Organiser

The concert was one of the best I have been to anywhere, the gut stringing added to their brilliant interpretation of the Mozart which was thrilling.
Absolutely wonderful that music of this quality is available in (dare I say it) sleepy old Freshwater. I wish WWAA every success in the future.
I thought it absolutely fabulous and their interpretation masterful and magical – I thought Amadeus himself would have been smiling.

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